Sunday, July 12, 2009

Our Boys are back from Puerto Rico! Steven and Blake left last Sunday for a mission trip with the church to Puerto Rico. They had an "awesome" experience! Blake had an opportunity to use his newly acquired Spanish- he worked in an inner city "mercy" house in San Juan. Steven's team built a Sunday school building (pictured above) for a rural church in Carolina, a city near San Juan. When they were not working the group took a hike in the rain forest, went to the area beaches and on Saturday they rented a large sail boat and toured the islands off shore and went snorkeling! They arrived home around 8:00 tonight and needless to say they are both exhausted! The rest of the "gang" has really missed them- but we have had our own adventures this week- kinda "staycation" of sorts. We had a great week- but we (me especially) are glad that Daddy and Blake are home!

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