Monday, June 30, 2008

It is official! Today Ladi received her certificate of US citizenship! How appropriate to receive this document this 4th of July week. Yesterday our church had a Patriotic celebration for our worship service and a family picnic afterwards. We have never been able to attend this service before so I wasn't quite sure what it was all about- but to my surprise it was the perfect way to kick off the 4th of July festivities! And because this is Ladi's first 4th it made it that much more special. There was a full orchestra playing beautiful Patriotic music as well as hymns. We sat right up front so Ladi could see all the musicians and instruments. She loved clapping along and singing! I kept thinking how blessed we are to live in such a wonderful country; freedom, rights, opportunity, democracy, equality- words we use to describe the United States. Then I thought of those that live in countries that are not described in those words; where people are oppressed and live without hope. In the letter that accompanied Ladi's certificate, the President wrote, "As you begin to participate fully in our democracy, remember that what you do is as important as anything government does. I ask you to serve your new Nation, beginning with your neighbor. I ask you to be citizens building communities of service and a Nation of character. Americans are generous and strong and decent not because we believe in ourselves, but because we hold beliefs beyond ourselves. When this spirit of citizenship is missing, no government program can replace it. When this spirit is present, no wrong can stand against it. Welcome to the joy, responsibility, and freedom of American citizenship." When we started the adoption process and we learned of the orphans in Russia, I prayed that we could give a little girl a loving family, a safe home, and opportunity. The opportunity to come to know God, the opportunity for an education, the opportunity to help others, the opportunity to become what she was created to be! After our first visit to meet Ladi, I kept saying, " we just have to bring her home, to the US where she has a chance!" Now my prayer is that she embraces this opportunity. As a US citizen and a responsible adult I sometimes find myself taking for granted the freedoms and opportunities I was blessed to be born into. (Like listening to all the "hoop-la" about the presidential candidates- it really does make a difference if I vote!) Then at the end of the letter it says, "God bless you, and God bless America." It is only my opinion but after being in another country for 2 weeks; I think God has already blessed America. This is where the responsibility comes in- what to do with this blessing and how can we bless others with it? I don't know, but the letter says start with your neighbor. I think I will and I pray that my children and you will too! And for those of you that are still reading this, "thank you" for letting me reflect and be "gushy" about this subject!
The boys are still in DC with Phe and Pops. Every time they call they sound like they are having a blast! Bryson is really into all the National Treasure movies; so he is loving seeing all the government archives and monuments. Today he was able to view the (in his words) "real thing" Declaration of Independence. They had to wait in line for about 45 mins. but Bryson said it was worth it. (He even got a poster of the "DoI" to hang in his room! Yesterday they saw a Nationals baseball game- Blake said it went 12 innings (I think) and he gave us a play-by-play of how the Nationals won. Very exciting! Phe cheered so hard she lost her voice and still sounds "rough" today when I talked to her. Brady is really looking forward to seeing the Lion King at the Kennedy Center. That is his thing; singing and dancing! I can't wait to talk to him about it! [Oh and I need to mention that on Friday the camp that Brady was attending had a performance for the parents. At the performance the campers showed off what they had learned during the week. Well, Brady did not tell us, but he elected to take the dancing class! We still don't know why he decided to go to this class, maybe because it was all girls and he was the only boy- Brady loves the ladies! Anyway, he performed a liturgical dance with the other girls and it was awesome! He was not embarrassed at all and he knew what he was doing (for the most part). He was so proud of himself and the other boys in his class were giving him high fives afterwards! Brady loves musicals and I hope he never loses his excitement and joy for them!] On Friday the 4th they will be seeing the fireworks on the "Lawn" at the Capitol. WOW! (I really am jealous but so thankful that they get this opportunity!)Anyway, pray for their safe travels. I will pray that you have a safe, happy and reflective 4th of July!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fancy Nancy Party!

Yesterday Ladi and I went on our first "Girl's Night Out" together. We went out to dinner with some dear friends and their daughters. Then we went to a Fancy Nancy party at the book store. (Fancy Nancy is a children's book that is about a little girl that loves to dress and act fancy- Ladi loves these books and loves to say in her Russian accent "Fancy" and "Oh-la-la"!) All the girls were dressed fancy and wore their tiaras! Ladi thought it was wonderful- she kept saying, "Momma look- Princess!" After the book reading and arts and crafts we looked at all the books and Ladi picked out- of course- a Cinderella book. FYI- she loves Cinderella if I haven't mentioned it before- books, dolls, videos, she loves all the princess stuff. Which we think is so funny- I don't know if she was exposed to all of it in Russia but it is certainly what she has picked to play with. (And for those of you who know me- I am not the princess type- I played with stuffed animals and baby dolls! But Ladi is her own and she is a "princess"!) After shopping in the book store we walked around the other stores and window shopped- the little girls really seemed to enjoy this! I was standing there watching Ladi with her new friends and letting them put lip gloss on her and show her "girlie" things and it all felt like a dream. I still find myself amazed that she is with us and that she has "fit in" so perfectly. When we started out the evening I wasn't sure if Ladi was ready for this - to be around so many other children, staying out later than usual, etc. But she loved it! And as I was driving home I looked back at her in her car seat, sound asleep with her princess book in hand and I knew I had dreamt that image before!
I wanted to let you all know what the boys were up to this week - Blake is at beach camp with our church youth group. They go to Fort Caswell and have a blast boating, tubing, swimming and then they also have worship services and devotion time. He called me this afternoon and said he went 8 feet in the air on the tube and that the 8th graders have a house to themselves and it was so cool because it was like a hotel where you get clean sheets, soap and shampoo (which was good because he forgot to pack any of that!). I know this is a fun time for him as well as a time for him spiritually! Brady is going to a day camp this week at our church. This is his first year and he is so excited about going! It is an all day camp with lots of fun activities. He has watched his big brothers go for many years and now he is finally old enough to go! So Bryson and Ladi and I are hanging out together this week. We went to Topsail yesterday to visit a friend of mine and tomorrow we are going to the beach. Bryson is so good with Ladi (he and Brady argue over who she likes better). He enjoys helping her do things and she likes playing with him. The boys also had another swim meet tonight - they did very well! The meets are very long and very hot - so Ladi stayed home with Phe tonight and they made pink cupcakes for the boys to eat when they got home. Ladi did well with Phe by herself. Although I had to come home to give her a bath and put her to bed; Ladi is getting more and more comfortable around my parents. My dad stops by the house often just so he can have some time with her! We have come so far in just a month!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

sorry no pics; just my thoughts! WOW! It is hard to believe that a month ago today we were in a court room in Siberia adopting our little girl! Steven and I both feel like it was a life time ago! We have come so far (physically and emotionally) in just 4 weeks. To us it feels like Ladi has always been right here with our family. Friends of ours that have adopted before us have told us throughout the year that we will forget all the anxiety and worrying that we were going through at that time. I kept saying, "No way I will ever forget this!"; but they were right! As I was reflecting on our journey of the past year; all the paperwork, worrying, anxiety, preparation and more worrying, running around Raleigh to get papers notarized and appostilled and doctors appointments and yes more anxiety- it all seems like a dream. I really don't remember it like that. Just a month ago we were standing in a room with a Russian judge; and we were explaining why we would be the "right" parents and family for Ladi. Steven and I were very nervous; never having done this before and not wanting to mess up! But I remember having peace about the entire trip! Even when things didn't go the way we wanted or planned. (Ok maybe not at peace when we were driving to the Russian airport to go home! You will have to ask Steven about that!) And even now with the unknowns about Ladi's past and future; I am just going to have to have faith. I am going to have to give up control- not give up- but not worry about the things I can not control! Like this week- Ladi started her immunizations - and we have to start over because we don't know what she had when she was an infant. You read all the books, blogs, listen to doctors and you have to make a decision on what you feel is best for your child. And of course this is just one example of many decisions that we will have to make over the course of her childhood. But she did great- no reactions! And yes we must do the same with our other children as well- but at least I do have some history and to me that gives me the illusion of being in control- but I am really not! So we pray and let go- give it to God! And we focus on all the good and blessings we see and feel. Like Ladi laughing and playing with her brothers. Her firsts - like going to a swim meet this week and cheering for her big brothers in the races! "Go Bryson, Go"- she was yelling just like me- it was so cute! And today we went to see her first movie in the theater. Even though she couldn't understand what was being said she still laughed with the other children. With all of her "firsts" she teaches me so much- I am humbled by her spirit and her trusting attitude and her quest to learn and her happiness- no worries- just trust- He has carried us all along! Some dear girl friends gave me a sign for my birthday that reads "Enjoy the Journey". I have hung it over the door leading out of my house to remind me- enjoy all of it! Laugh with the other children! And just trust in Him!
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Sunday, June 15, 2008


We celebrated Father's Day and Ladi's birthday today (since the brothers and grandparents were in Disney on her birth date)! The boys came home last night and we all were so glad to see them. Ladi was very excited and they missed her while they were gone. At dinner last night we were able to hear all about their trip- they were so excited that at times all three were talking at once! Blake is going to update you all on the trip later! So we had lunch at our house today with my parents, my brother and his family and my aunt and uncle that went to Disney. We had a birthday cake for Ladi and we sang to her and Steven helped her blow out her candles. After we ate cake the boys were "dying" for her to open the gifts they had purchased for her in Disney (they picked them out all by themselves and paid for them with their own money)! She put each gift on as soon as she opened it- a necklace from Bryson, a bracelet from Sadie, a princess headband from Brady, and a princess watch from Phe and Pops! She also loved the Minnie Mouse princess from Uncle Ken and Aunt Lucy and a Tinker Bell from Phe and Pops! Ladi was a bit over whelmed with being showered with so many gifts! One of the gifts was a Cinderella play set that Blake gave her and she immediately wanted to play with it but there were still gifts to open and brothers anxious for her to continue! But the moment I will never forget from today was when everyone had finished and we were sitting in the living room talking; Ladi came to me and hugged me tight and whispered in my ear "spahseeba" which is thank you in Russian! I couldn't believe it! She was so sweet and discreet with her act of affection but she was truly grateful for her special day!

Friday, June 13, 2008


Ladi's first day at the beach! She loved it! We meet some friends down there and she played in the sand forever! She would also splash around where the waves would break onshore. She wasn't afraid at all- it was as if she has done this her whole life! Which was a huge relief; because living at the beach we spend a lot of time there! I did lather her with sunscreen- but she tans very fast- not sunburned but brown! Like she is from the coast of NC!

For those of you who asked for pics of her room- it is hard to tell from these but her colors are light green and lavender. Oh and a "splash" of pink! She really loves her room and she keeps it so neat!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ladi has had a wonderful 5th birthday! Her doctors visit went very well. Dr. Adams spoke to Ladi in Russian and Ladi responded to her. After a couple of minutes in the office Ladi started to warm-up to the doctor and realized that today there would be no shots! Then it was off to lunch with the girls! Ladi loved the tea room- it is VERY girlie! Real china tea cups and silver platters- I think she drank an entire pot of tea! (decafe of course!) The fruit tea is her favorite with milk and of course a sugar cube! Then it was off to get manies and pedies! (I got a manicure and Ladi got a pedicure) Even though it was her first of many- she acted like she knew what she was doing! The young lady painting her toes was so nice and found the perfect shade of "princess pink". (Ladi's favorite color!) Oh and the shoes- well according to Ladi they are "Princess Cinderella" shoes. She picked them out at the store- gotta love some Targe't! We had to go down to the church tonight (our Sunday school class was doing a mission project) so she had to wait until tonight to get her gift from us- a Princess bike! I guess you can tell Ladi LOVES the princess theme- actually Cinderella is her fav! And of course the bike is pink and purple! On Sunday night at the neighborhood party a little girl was riding this bike and Ladi just went "crazy" over it! She touched it like it was the most beautiful thing she has ever seen! So yesterday she and I went to the store to look at them and test drive one. I hadn't realized that Ladi has never been on a bike- I don't even know if she has seen one before. When I put her on it she didn't know where to place her feet. It is yet another first for her! So poppa went last night and got one for her b-day! He was just as excited about it as she was! But we have a lot of practicing to do before we can go for a ride! Ladi has been learning new things pretty fast- so she should get the hang of it soon. Especially when she sees her big brothers riding their bikes! Speaking of the brothers- they are still having a blast in Disney. But I do miss them so much! Dad said it was cooler there than it is here in Wilmington!
Oh and sorry about the "cheesy" song; but when I listened to the words it was so perfect!


Today Ladi is 5 years old! We have lots of wonderful surprises planned for her special day. (We don't think Ladi understands it is her birthday; but we do and we are going to celebrate for her! And I will take lots of pics so when she is older she will have memories of her 5th b-day!) First we are gong to get a physical at the doctors office. Some of you know that our pediatrician also adopted two boys from Siberia two years ago; so she is very familiar with the medical needs of children adopted from this area of the world. But let me just clarify that Ladi is healthy! Just vitamin deficiencies and nutrition issues. Then after that we are going to the Wilmington Tea Room with our "girlfriends"! Ladi loves hot tea and I know she will love the "tea party" experience! We also have a surprise for her when her poppa gets home-so you all will have to wait on that one as well! I will post pics tonight!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ladi has had a lazy summer weekend! Saturday she played outside all day. Steven and I were working in the yard and Ladi put her bathing suit on and played in the sprinklers and the water hose. She loves watering the flowers and making mud puddles! She also figured out how to put the water hose on the trampoline to make jumping more fun! And she loves our two dogs, Jake and Addie. It is so cute when she talks to Jake in Russian! Today we went to church and again Ladi was great. She even sang along with the choir- she has a beautiful voice! Even though she doesn't know the words she sang in Russian but to their tune. I would love to know what she was singing. After lunch she and I came home and read the Sunday paper (she looked at the ads) and we took afternoon naps. Our neighborhood had a block party tonight and we took Ladi down to meet her neighbors. She was shy at first but once she warmed up to people she was running around "greeting" everyone! Everyone keeps asking how things are going and how she is adjusting. Steven and I are just amazed at how well she is doing- we prayed for this but we prepared ourselves for difficult times. However it is really going well, certainly nothing is ever perfect but Steven told someone today it is 99%! The language is the most difficult part but not for giving directions or playing- there are things she says to us and we just have no idea what she is talking about! And she ends everything she says with da?(yes) and nit?(no) so I have learned that if I don't know what she says I better just say nothing because I don't know what I have agreed to! The language will come soon enough and it doesn't seem to bother her at all. We really feel as if she has always been with us and we can not imagine life without her! I spoke to the boys today in Disney- and of course they are having a blast! Riding every ride at least a dozen times! I was informed that they will be staying in the Magic Kingdom tonight until it closes at 2:00am! My dad and brother are going to be worn out but I know they are loving it as well!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Yesterday was the last day of school for the boys. They are ready for summer break- and so am I! They had "end of the year" parties at school and they wanted their sister to come so they could show her off to their friends. Their classmates were very excited to meet Ladi- I realized then that the boys have really been talking to their friends and teachers about her. Blake has even had his buddies calling him just to see how she was doing! You could tell how proud they were to have her at their school. When we were eating ice cream in Brady's class a little girl told Brady that his sister was so cute- Brady responded by saying, "She is not cute, she is BEAUTIFUL!".
Yesterday afternoon Ladi meet her cousins Sadie and Macie. (My brother's girls) Sadie is only a week older than Ladi- we know that they will be the "best of buddies"! Sadie has been so excited to meet her new cousin and they had a wonderful afternoon together! Ladi is learning to share her toys and things with other children. Because while she was in the orphanage nothing belonged to her- she had to share everything, even clothes. So this is the first time in her life that anything has belonged to just her and she is learning that others can play with her stuff and she will get it back. Everything is new and she is adjusting so well. Much better than I had prayed for! Last night we went to Airlie Gardens for a picnic and to listen to jazz. The boys and I love going to these events and we just knew Ladi would love it as well! Oh did she! She started out sitting on the blanket playing with her doll and eating snacks- but by the end of the evening she and Brady were up front dancing to the music! She loves to dance just like her momma! It was the cutest thing -watching Brady twirl her around! As I stood there watching it was as if I had seen it all before- maybe in my dreams and prayers for her!
The boys left this morning with my parents, my brother and his family and my aunt and uncle; they are going to Disney world for the week! They have had this planned for a year now- since we returned for Disney last year! They are all so excited and I know they will have a blast. I ask that you pray for their safety and my parents patience and endurance! And for my Uncle Ken- Brady's partner in crime! (and rides!)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Ladi and I went to the local farmer's market with her babushka (Phe Phe). Ladi ate her weight in fresh blueberries, strawberries and cherry tomatoes! While buying our blueberries I noticed that the "Blueberry" lady had a familiar accent- she spoke Russian!!! I introduced her to Ladi and the lady began conversing with her. Ladi said a couple of things in Russian and then was ready to go. I asked the lady what they were saying and she said she asked Ladi if she would like to talk to her in Russian. And Ladi said, "I do not want to talk right now!". I was surprised because Ladi loves to talk- even to people she has just meet! We are planning to go to the blueberry farm next week to pick some and maybe she will feel like talking then. Ladi loves flowers- she looked at every one at the market. She likes to smell them and really analyze each one. Yesterday she and I went running and she sat in her jogging stroller- we past a house with lots of beautiful flowers and Ladi got very excited and yelled, "Momma flowers!". She is learning so fast! Last night I couldn't help but capture this moment- Ladi reading "Pinkalicious" to Brady! So far this is her favorite book- she "reads" to him in Russian. She is so confident in herself- she really thinks she is reading and that Brady really understands what she is saying! They are best buddies!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Yesterday was another wonderful day full of new and exciting events! Ladi slept in until 7:00! And she had her first taste of Chick-fil! We went to have lunch with some buddies and play on the play equipment. And of course being the Miss Priss she is- she wore a skirt, a pearl necklace and her pocketbook on her arm just to go to lunch! She loves to accessorize her new outfits! Ladi liked the chicken nuggets; but she loved the ice cream! She was so worn out from playing that she took a little nap when we got home. The big news is that Ladi ate dinner at the table with the family! And she ate her entire meal! She has not wanted to eat with us before now. And the most precious happening of the day- Ladi and I were snuggling in her bed and I was singing her to sleep (lucky her!) I have been singing Jesus Loves Me to her since our first night in Russia. Well, last night she started singing with me! In English! I couldn't believe what I was hearing so I just kept singing the song over again! She knew the words already! God is so good! Ladi keeps amazing us everyday!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ladi's First Ice Cream Monday! (fyi-a weekly event in the Leger house!)
The boys were so excited that their sister was coming to ICM; even though Ladi was exhausted from the day's activities and ready for bed at 6:30. SO even in her pajamas we ventured to our favorite ice cream parlor! Brady always chooses this flavor so he assumed his sister would love it as well. Ladi was so tired she fell asleep in the car on the way home and stayed asleep when we put her in bed. Speaking of that; Ladi loves her room and bed! Since the second night home she has slept in her room all by herself (I lay down with her until she is asleep but I am loving this special bonding time!) It feels to us that Ladi has always been with our family!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

BIG DAY! Today was a day of many firsts for Ladi. We decided to try to sneak into church- Steven and the boys and myself have missed going so much! Ladi loved all the singing and she was perfect the entire service. Without warning our minister asked our family if we would come to the front during the last hymn. I was a little nervous about how Ladi would react to all the attention. She again was perfect! I carried her and she held onto my neck but she acted like it was "no big deal"! It was such a moving experience because our entire congregation prayed for this little girl that has come so far to be with her family. And now she not only has us but she also has a church family that loves her! WE then decided to push a little further and went out to lunch with a family that we eat lunch with just about every Sunday. Again Ladi was "loving" it. And she ate really well too! (eating since we have been home hasn't been a top priority for Ladi!) After a leisurely afternoon, the boys wanted to go to the pool and go swimming and they wanted their sister to go too! So we did- and Ladi LOVED the pool too! She sat with me for about 15 mins and then wanted to put on her bathing suit. She started out at the baby pool and then when she saw her big brothers in the big pool she walked right in! It was as if she had been in a pool before! (we don't know if she has or not) She played for an hour with her "poppa" and brothers in the pool. The exercise and sunshine are so good for her. Bryson did not leave her side the entire time she was in the pool. He has been so nurturing towards her; it makes me so proud! And Brady as well- another kid in the pool was squirting Ladi in the face with a water gun and after several times of Steven asking him not to; Brady splashed the kid in the face and told him if he did it again he would splash him some more- he is the protector! Ladi was so hungry when we got home and she ate a good dinner. Another BIG day for Miss Ladi Elizabeth! PS- Ladi is already a "southern belle" she insisted that the pink hair bow stay in her hair even while she swam!

2 days home!

Ladi is doing great! Ladi is still on Russian time so she is waking up around 5:00am; but for the past two nights she has slept in her room by herself. We start out laying down with her; but she seems to enjoy sleeping in her own bed . Yesterday was such a wonderful day! She and I spent the early morning together playing in her room. She really likes the kitchen set! Doreen (Steven's mom) and I went out for 2 hours before lunch and left Ladi in charge of her dad and brothers. When we returned home the boys were so excited with the news that Ladi LOVES to play wrestling! She also loves the trampoline and playing outside with Jake dog! Lots of firsts! She is adjusting to her new home so well. After lunch we went to Phe and Pops' house. Pops wanted Ladi to run barefoot on his front lawn. Pops showed her by taking off his shoes but Ladi would not take off her socks; she doesn't like to get her feet dirty! She and Bryson and Brady ran around the yard for an hour. She was soooo happy to just run free! She stretched her arms wide like an airplane and ran as fast as she could! Needless to say she was ready for bed early!