Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Well it FINALLY happened- Brady Leger has lost his 1st tooth!!

Brady has wanted this to happen ever since he was old enough to understand the Tooth Fairy phenomenon! All of his friends have been losing their teeth since Kindergarten- he thought he was the last person to lose a tooth! According to him it was NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!!! Saturday we spent the day out on the boat and it was there that Brady felt his tooth was beginning to become loose- and tonight I caught him in the bathroom mirror with a string wrapped around his tooth. I helped him tie the knot but he did all the pulling! He was so excited it was so cute. He put the tooth in a bag with a note attached. He wrote the Tooth Fairy to ask if (it) was a boy or a girl and what is (its) name. We will let you know what he finds out!Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June 1oth Ladi Elizabeth's 6th Birthday!
This was Ladi's first big birthday bash- 10 little girls- dressed in princess outfits- 1 Cinderella from Disney World- crafts- sweets- and LOTS of glitter!!!! I must admit I had been planning this event for many years! And I think it was wonderful! Ladi Elizabeth loved every minute of her party! As my mother says, "Ladi Elizabeth can sniff out princess!" She is so into all of that kind of stuff; so of course this was a total princess party. The girls were so excited to all be together and even more excited about the arrival of the special guest- Cinderella! So when Cinderella arrived I thought that the girls would "bombard" her and want to ask her so many questions- But when she came into the living room all the girls became silent. No one would speak- they just sat there in awe!!! I became worried at that point because Cinderella was going to be there for an entire hour!!! But Cinderella being a Princess and all she knew exactly how to handle little "star struck" girls. (after the party I told Cinderella that I was a bit concerned in the beginning- and she said that was how all little girls act when they first see her!) She started slow by reading them a princess book and then she helped them decorate tiara cookies and by the time they were eating lunch the girls could barely eat because they were all talking to her! Ladi Elizabeth was sitting in her lap by the time cake was served! Then Ladi asked Cinderella to see her room- this was precious! Ladi said, "Hey I have some books about you- see there you are right there!" They were asking so many questions about being a princess and living in the castle and the prince home by himself and how she survived living with the wicked stepmother and many more! Cinderella was having such a great time that she stayed longer than we anticipated! But she had to stay to help Ladi open her birthday gifts! After the party Ladi Elizabeth kept thanking Steven and I for her birthday party! I don't think she will ever forget it- I know I will not!! Oh and the glitter- well it will serve as a reminder- it was all over our house- in furniture- on carpets- in dinning room chairs- and in the cracks between the hard wood floors! I love it! Joys of having a little girl in the house!

Ladi Elizabeth's day out with Grandma Dodie! Ladi had been counting down the days up to Dodie's arrival. So as soon as Dodie came to town she was ready to go! First to get mani's and pedi's at "Sweet and Sassy" and then lunch at Ladi Elizabeth's favorite restaurant- Brixx Pizza- she loves to play with the pizza dough! They had a blast! Dodie said Ladi talked the entire way to the spa and didn't stop until she ate lunch! On the way home Dodie reported that Ladi became very quiet and she asked her if she was ok? Ladi Elizabeth said that she was NOT tired But she just wanted to close her eyes. Well, 2 minutes later she was out! When they drove into the driveway Ladi Elizabeth was sound asleep! Dodie and Ladi Elizabeth said this was going to be "their" annual date- "Ladi Elizabeth's birthday outing"!