Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
As I sit to write this post, all four of my precious children are in their beds sound asleep. I still can not believe that a year ago this time we were celebrating Thanksgiving without Ladi Elizabeth. As I have mentioned before we received Ladi's information last Thanksgiving. So that day we took the only picture we had of her and placed it in our kitchen. We could not stop thinking and praying about the "next" Thanksgiving when our family would be complete and all together. And now here we are! Again God is so good! On Monday Ladi's class at preschool had a Thanksgiving performance and I was so emotional thinking about how far we have come in such a short period of time. I kept thinking that we are so blessed to have Ladi in our life and 3 wonderful boys. And how this Thanksgiving Ladi has "her" family. I also could not stop thinking about the "other" children. Children around the world and in our neighborhoods that do not have families or are homeless or live in homes without food or love. I often think about the "other" children we saw in the orphanage and pray that they too have found "their" families. We have so much to be thankful for. The days go by so fast and the "busyness" and selfishness of our society tries to take over. Especially right now with our global and local economy hurting; we might tend to focus on the negative or the unnecessary wants. I am in no way saying that people are not hurting financially right now- but what i am thinking is that if we have love, family, friends, hope and faith then we are blessed.
We are celebrating Thanksgiving this year at home with all 4 of our children at the table with us. Only my parents will be with us so it will be a some what quiet dinner (ha ha -dinner around here is NEVER quiet!) Ladi is very interested in all the celebrations and traditions. Although just like every other little girl or boy she is very preoccupied with Christmas coming and the whole "Santa" thing that her brothers and friends are talking about. But that is a story for another day!
I hope you and your family have a wonderful and peaceful Thanksgiving day!

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